One of Sophia's favorite night time books is goodnight moon.
And for several nights, she's read it too us. She just says goodnight to anything she can remember or anything she can think of it seems.
Amidst the usual "good night books, goodnight mice, goodnight mittens"
she started to add in "Goodnight Robots". Which we thought was odd,
but as good sci-fi fans, we weren't gonna complain. Just scratch our
heads and wonder.
BArbara finally got up the nerve to ask, "Where are the robots?"
And she pointed to them in the picture. Anyone see them?
Click here
love that girl. oh, and jai wants to know why the robots are in hell. have you explained that to sophia, yet?
Posted by: Patty | April 22, 2008 at 12:30 AM
WHAT A GIRL! Amazing. I've never noticed the robots. What an observant child.
Posted by: mhmele | April 27, 2008 at 12:06 AM
please, send a note to the publishing house, and let them know they've been printing from an incomplete manuscript for years, and that this egregious error must be immediately rectified.
Posted by: marie | December 26, 2008 at 08:42 AM